Thursday, September 4, 2008

Week 7


This week’s session was located for our individual presentations. The focus was on the first six weeks of tutorials and workshops. I was so impressed to see that each of us came up with different ways of presenting what we have learned for the past six weeks. Some did fancy online journals, some did Point Presentations and others had on-paper written journals. The styles of presentations were very different but everyone has shown that their philosophies of teaching Early Childhood Maths has started to developed week by week. As for me, I started to see that Early Childhood Mathematics would not just be introducing children to simple Mathematical concepts like shapes, space, calculation and time but also making it relevant so that children can relate them to the real world. Tucker, Singleton & Weaver (2002) describe an important learning principle in learning Mathematics:

“Students must learn mathematics with understanding, actively building new knowledge from experience and old knowledge.”


Tucker, B.F., Singleton, A.H., & Weaver, T.L. (2002). Teaching Mathematics to All Children: Designing and adapting instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners. New Jersey: Merrill Prentice Hall.